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The Power of the Morning Reset Point

Nov 01, 2023

How to stop the racing thoughts and heavy emotions from yesterday and reset yourself to a more positive place before you even get out of bed

Each of us holds immense potential and possibility for creating and living a life we love. The morning time is the easiest place to access those potentials and possibilities.

Why? Because while you are asleep at night, your body, mind, soul and energy system rests and completely resets.

This means that every morning when you wake up, you can start fresh by deliberately choosing what kind of energy you’ll bring into your day.

I call this the Morning Reset Point. Knowing what it is and how to access it can completely shift your entire day.

What is the Morning Reset Point?

Think about the last time you spent the night away from home. Perhaps you woke up in a hotel room and for a few brief seconds thought, “Where am I?”

That is the Morning Reset Point.

Your eyes might be open. They might not be. It is the brief moment between being fully asleep and being fully awake.

You’re waking up.

Because our subconscious mind, energy system and physical body has just been reset while we slept, we are quite receptive and pliable during the brief moments while we’re waking up.

In this moment, you can deliberately choose the energy, attitude and the first thought you’ll bring to your day. You can deliberately choose life-giving energy if you capture the power of that moment.

Or you can skip right over it by reaching for your phone to check email and social media instead, not realizing you’re particularly susceptible to whatever you see first on your phone.

It can quite literally ruin your day before you even get out of bed.

I became really good at this, unfortunately, and it was a proven recipe for many ‘terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad days.’ Instead of deliberately choosing life-giving energy during my Morning Reset Point, I would:

  • Get annoyed with emails and start my day late, overextended and prioritizing other people’s agendas.
  • See things on my newsfeed that distracted me or ‘took me down a rabbit hole’ of comparing myself to others and feeling not good enough.
  • Start (over) thinking about the same problems I went to bed worrying about the night before.

Then, more often than not, I’d get out of bed late, tumbling haphazardly into my day with life-destructive energy swirling all around me. The next day would be a similar version of that.

I was in a rut. A pattern of automatic behavior that was not life-giving. Maybe you’ve experienced something similar?

The Morning Reset Point disrupts that pattern by deliberately bringing in life-giving energy. It changes the way you feel. It changes the energy you bring into your day. It changes the way you walk into a room. It changes the conversations you have. It changes the way you see things. It changes the course of your entire day.

How to Access Your Morning Reset Point:

1. Before you go to sleep, ask yourself, “What kind of energy do I want to bring into my day tomorrow?

2. Choose a word, affirmation, mantra, or intention to encapsulate that. You could also use an image that feels life-giving. Get creative with this!

Image credit: me + my iPad

3. Then, the second you wake up tomorrow morning, spend 1–2 minutes vividly envisioning the image or repeating that word or phrase. Pair it with the life-giving energy and emotion you associate it with. This connects you to the flow of life-giving energy around you and brings it into your energy field.

Doing this every morning will deliberately set the momentum of your day before you even get out of bed. It also sets you up nicely to clean and protect your personal energy so you feel energized all day long.

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